Award-winning independent brewery, Stomping Ground Company, has signed a 10-year lease at Morris Moor, securing a 630 sqm building at the historic development. The site, once home to Phillip Morris’ factory, will be transformed into a multi-use community precint with over 50,000 sqm of leasable space.

The team behind the rapidly growing brewpub has plans to convert the existing building into a small brewery, beer hall, event space and large beer garden, with an additional 400 sqm of outdoor space.

An artist’s impression of the new brewpub (left) and outdoor area. Image: Stomping Ground
An artist’s impression of the new brewpub (left) and outdoor area. Image: Stomping Ground

Stomping Ground cofounder, Steve Jeffares, believes that Morris Moor is perfectly suited to the team’s vision for the space.

“The building will allow the local communities to enjoy a wide variety of our beers, many brewed in the onsite brewery, and great food in a unique, family-friendly beer hall atmosphere. We’re especially proud of what we’ve created in Collingwood, but we plan onraising the bar again at Morris Moor – pun intended!”

“We love sharing our love of craft beer with as many people as possible and Morris Moor provided a perfect location to bring our idea to life with like-minded operators. We instantly fell in love with the building’s high ceilings, character, original fixtures and the vision Up Property has for the development as a whole,” says Steve.

Stomping Ground cofounders Guy Greenstone, Steve Jeffares and Justin Joiner, and Up Property Managing Director Adam Davidson. Photo: Stomping Ground
Stomping Ground cofounders Guy Greenstone, Steve Jeffares and Justin Joiner, and Up Property Managing Director Adam Davidson. Image: Guy Evans Photography

The brewpub is set to be part of a larger 3,080 sqm hospitality precinct at Morris Moor. Adam Davidson, Founder & Managing Director of Up Property, explains why the brewery aligns with the development’s ‘makers theme’.

“We are really passionate about creating a vibrant, engaging community that will be a local destination for the surrounding suburbs and are focusing on finding place makers not space takers – future tenants will have an element of on-site production rather than straight up retail, to help bring the development to life. Think coffee roasters and cafes, restaurants, florists, artisanal bakeries and more.”

“We are excited to realise our vision for the hospitality precinct by welcoming Stomping Ground to Morris Moor and look forward to seeing their ideas for the space come to life,” Adam says.

The broader Morris Moor master plan includes over 50,000 sqm of mixed use spaces, spread across eight buildings. 65 businesses already call Morris Moor home, with the first spaces being completed in Q4 2018. Other tenants, including Kids Club childcare centre, Clik Collective co-working & co-warehousing facility, and Schots Home Emporium are also set to join the community. The brewpub is expected to open in early 2020.

Cover Photo: Guy Evans Photography